The polarization in the American society has reached an astounding extreme.  The divide exists along the lines of politics, economics, education, morals, and race, to name only a few issues.  Each of these areas of life could be described as a fault line where social “tectonic plates” are pulling apart. Of course, they are not […]

The kids and the bomb

This could not happen. Remember that as you read; it’s just a story.  It didn’t happen. It was ‘take-your-kid-to-work-day’ so they did. The scientists did.  The nuclear scientists took their kids to work.  Older-than-9, younger-than-99 kids (actually quite a bit younger but kids don’t change much over time).  Silly, curious kids.  Somewhat undisciplined, immature kids.  […]

Yes, black lives matter

In spite of some cops brutalizing and killing black men, black lives matter. In spite of some sick individuals chasing and killing black men, black lives matter. In spite of racial bias in education, careers, religion, and government, black lives matter. In spite of James Earl Ray assassinating Martin Luther King, Jr., black lives matter. […]

War with spiritual forces

On June 5, 1944, General Dwight Eisenhower issued the order for the Allied Expeditionary Forces to storm the beaches of Normandy and press the offensive against Hitler’s military.  The order stated: “Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen…  You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months.  The eyes of […]


Biblical theology is your friend Every time there is a tragedy or catastrophe in the world, some well-meaning “teachers” will declare that it is an act of God to bring humanity to repentance or just to punish some of us (no one ever testifies about themselves being punished by God).  They will usually base their […]