In spite of some cops brutalizing and killing black men, black lives matter.

In spite of some sick individuals chasing and killing black men, black lives matter.

In spite of racial bias in education, careers, religion, and government, black lives matter.

In spite of James Earl Ray assassinating Martin Luther King, Jr., black lives matter.

In spite of KKK creeps torturing and raping and lynching black people, black lives matter.

In spite of Jim Crow laws and forced segregation and its shadowy vestiges, black lives matter.

In spite of church denominations splitting for racist reasons, black lives matter.

In spite of the enslavement of millions of African-Americans, black lives matter.

In spite of my childhood/teenaged prejudicial name-calling and condescension, black lives matter.

Since skin color does not matter for a person’s worth, black lives matter.

Since race does not matter for a person’s worth, black lives matter.

Since culture does not matter for a person’s worth, black lives matter.

Since nationality does not matter for a person’s worth, black lives matter.

Because God created humanity to be in his image, black lives matter.

Because God so loves the world, black lives matter.

Because God desires that justice roll on like a river, black lives matter.

Because Jesus proclaimed good news to the poor and freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, and proclaimed the Lord’s favor, black lives matter.

Because the Messiah died for the sins of the whole world, black lives matter.

Because in Christ there is no racial division, black lives matter.

Because the Lord makes persons from every tribe and language and people and nation to be a kingdom and priests to serve God and reign on the earth, black lives matter.

Because God’s purpose is to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ, black lives matter.

Because God commands, shows, and enables us to “Love one another,” black lives matter.

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