One of the arguments expressed by religious skeptics to shed doubt on the existence of God is this question. Since God is supposedly all-powerful and all-knowing and all-good, why does he not stop human violence and suffering? Such instances as school shootings, human trafficking, child abuse, pandemics, and major catastrophes are given as examples of […]
Biblical theology is your friend Every time there is a tragedy or catastrophe in the world, some well-meaning “teachers” will declare that it is an act of God to bring humanity to repentance or just to punish some of us (no one ever testifies about themselves being punished by God). They will usually base their […]
God with us
“There is no God like YHWH, and He declares that with definitive finality when He descends into the deepest trenches of our suffering through the cross of Christ. In the freedom of His sovereign love, our Lord and our God penetrates to the heart of hopelessness and bears the full horror of His Bride’s godforsakenness […]