In 1 Corinthians 1:10 – 6:20 Living as a disciple of Jesus entails living with other disciples of Jesus. Community is an important emphasis in many churches today (as well as the culture in general). It has always been part of church life. Back in the day, it was called “fellowship.” However, the call to […]
The Image of God Part 6
The Son of God emptied himself and took on human flesh without the brokenness and corruption that all other humans own, and he lived up to God’s original design of humans, and thus restored the reality of a human in God’s image. He is the new Adam, the true image of God. He is the […]
The whole Bible
In 18 Lines GENESIS God: I gotcha Adam & Eve: OK, cool Satan: He doesn’t mean it Adam & Eve: Okay Satan: Gotcha Adam & Eve: Oh snap God: I’ll getcha REST OF THE OLD TESTAMENT God: Hang on Hebrews: We’re tryin’ NEW TESTAMENT Jesus: I came to getcha People: Kill ‘im Pilate: […]
Now that he’s alive
Look with me at the last chapter of the gospel of John. It’s not merely an interesting add-on. This chapter is an important bridge from the facts of Jesus’ life, teaching, death & resurrection to our lives. John 21:1-19 After these things Jesus manifested Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and […]
The case of the mysterious revelation (part 2)
(Please read part 1 below) What was God going to do with them? The detective investigated, examined evidence and clues, consulted experts, theorized, followed leads – but he was stumped. He couldn’t solve the mystery. So, finally, he just watched. He set up a stake out and watched. He watched what God did. God […]