My last post (The New Culture) is a message on Ephesians 2:11-22. That section of Scripture tells us that there were two primary cultures – Gentile and Israel – and Jesus made “the two into one new man” (verse 15) by his death and resurrection. This one new man is a new culture, aka the […]
The new culture
Colin Woodward, a reporter for the Portland Press Herald, says that North America can be divided into 11 separate regions. Here’s his map of North America. Each region has its own culture that is different from the other regions. It’s not that everyone thinks the same as everyone else, he says, “rather that they are […]
God’s masterpiece
Cessna Aircraft Company placed an ad in Popular Mechanics magazine (many years ago): “Cessna will make you a pilot for $2990. Guaranteed.” A group of seven Kansas women responded with a letter to Cessna: “We would like to order a pilot.” They asked for these specifications: “male – quick learner; height 6’2” to 6’5″; […]
I don’t like change
A WHACK-A-MOLE ARTICLE (subjects that just pop up in my head – this one took several pops!) Recently, Thomas McDaniels, pastor of LifeBridge Christian Center in Longview, Texas, wrote an article he called “Churches should learn from Blockbuster – change with the times, or die.” He described some of the cultural shifts that have occurred […]
The making of a masterpiece
When we mention masterpieces, we often think of fine art. Here are a few: Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci Water Lilies by Claude Monet Turn Him Loose by Frederic Remington 1963 Corvette Coupe by General Motors While all of these are masterpieces of art, one of the greatest painters and sculptors in history, Michelangelo, […]
Jesus reigns
At the end of the first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he tells us about the power God exerted when he raised Jesus from the dead and seated him on his throne. Picking up at verse 21, Paul wrote that Jesus has been exalted “far above all rule and authority and power and […]
Resurrection power today
According to Ephesians 1:15-19, Paul prayed for the Ephesian Christians that they, and we, would have the eyes of our hearts enlightened to be able to have God’s work done in our lives (read previous post “Do You See?”). He mentioned three specific things: the hope of God’s calling, the greatness of God’s involvement with […]
(IMAGE: ONE WAY JESUS by tataijucc at Two separate news articles recently caught my attention. The subjects were different, but both were about Christians responding to people and situations with which they disagreed. The first article was about a pub in Australia called Mary’s Newtown. Shortly before Easter the pub posted a picture on […]
Do you see?
What do you see: ISAWABUNDANCEONTHETABLE Do you see: I SAW ABUNDANCE ON THE TABLE Or do you see: I SAW A BUN DANCE ON THE TABLE God wants you and me to see, understand, actually live the things he does. We can experience the abundant life Jesus offers by seeing and applying his intentions for […]
Life on other planets
A WHACK-A-MOLE ARTICLE (SUBJECTS THAT JUST POP UP IN MY HEAD) The search for the presence of life on other planets is a large and interesting enterprise ( Really interesting is the idea of sentient life, perhaps as advanced or more advanced than humans on Earth. Of course, there are people who believe there’s no […]