Now that he’s alive

Look with me at the last chapter of the gospel of John. It’s not merely an interesting add-on.  This chapter is an important bridge from the facts of Jesus’ life, teaching, death & resurrection to our lives. John 21:1-19 After these things Jesus manifested Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and […]

Radicalized Christians 3

Hey, law, you can move on now       When the Bible speaks of the Law, it is talking about the entire covenant which God made with Israel when he brought them out of Egypt.  It includes the Ten Commandments, the sacrificial system, the temple organization, the feasts and holy days, the moral commands, the social […]

You will find a baby

This is a suggestion for focusing on “finding” Christ in Christmas. You can call it a worship experience or a devotional or a quiet time or whatever fits.  It’s not meant for just reading and being done with it.  It is a personal activity.  So if you choose to use it, I suggest you get […]