Here is a meditation/devotional I’ve written for the Christmas season. You may find it helpful during the busyness of the holidays to use it as a way to keep your focus on Christ as you participate in all the other plans and events going on. Use it as the Spirit of God leads. You don’t have to follow it exactly as written.

Read Matthew 1:18-25

1. Matthew 1:20. In prayer, yield to the Holy Spirit for God’s purposes in Christ to be realized in your own life.

2. Matthew 1:21. In prayer, confess your need for and faith in Jesus to rescue you from sin.

3. Matthew 1:23. In prayer and any other means you want, open your life – heart, mind, desires, needs – for God to be with you.

Read Luke 2:8-20

1. Luke 2:10-11. Think about how the coming of Christ is “good news of great joy” for you.

2. Luke 2:19. What “things” of Christ’s coming to be with you will you “treasure”?

3. Luke 2:20. Give praise to God for all you have “heard and seen” in remembering the birth of Jesus.


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